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User-Generated Content: What It Is and Why You Need It

User-generated content is the key to having a successful social media strategy. We’re taking you everything you need to know about UGC and how to make it work for you.

Posted 2 months ago
brands creators using Instagram Reels

Written by

Mackenzie Taylor
Posted 2 months ago
If you have ever followed an influencer online, you might have seen them post images of their #OOTD and tag a brand or two on the post. This post is what one would call user-generated content or UGC and it’s what makes marketing so good on social media. If you’re a brand or business on social media, UGC is so important and will help boost your brand and the trust in your brand overall. If you’re unsure of how to start getting user-generated content, we’re here to help! This is everything you need to know about UGC, how to get started, and the best tips and tricks to make it work for you.

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  1. What is User-Generated Content?
    • Customers
    • Content Creators

What is User-Generated Content?

User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content, such as text, images, videos, or reviews, that has been created by users on social media, rather than by the brand itself.
This can include comments, reviews, and ratings left by users on a product or service, or original posts (images and videos) that have the brand tagged on social media. UGC is often seen as a way for businesses and organizations to connect with their customers and build a sense of community around their brand. It can also be a valuable source of information and feedback for businesses, as it allows them to get a sense of what their customers are thinking and feeling about their products and services.

What does a brand get UGC content from?

User-generated content (UGC) can be created by anyone who uses a website or online platform. This can include customers, clients, users, and fans of a business or organization. It can also include individuals who have no direct connection to the business or organization, but who have an interest in the topic or subject matter being discussed.
For example, a business might encourage its customers to share photos or reviews of their products on social media or to leave ratings and reviews on their website. A forum or discussion board related to a particular topic might attract users who are interested in that topic and want to share their thoughts and opinions.
💡 Flick’s Tip: It’s important to note that businesses and organizations should always obtain permission from users before using their UGC and should be transparent about how it will be used.


If you’ve ever been online in the past 10 years, you have seen those unboxing videos absolutely everywhere. This kind of content is UGC content. If you’re a brand or business, having customers do these videos could be huge for your social media marketing. Start asking for content or start sharing content to generate more content from your customers for a chance to be featured on your social media profiles.

Content Creators

Content creators are a great way for you to get UGC content. Reach out to creators that align well with your brand and see if they would be interested in doing a collaboration. Not only will this content be seen by your followers, but will also be shared with their followers, meaning you can get a brand new audience knowing who your brand is.
💡 Flick’s Tip: Once you start getting UGC content, we recommend scheduling out the content on days you know you’ll need content. Using Flick’s Scheduler will help you plan your month ahead—and if you don’t have a caption yet? No worries! You can save your content as a draft for later.

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Start scheduling with Flick!

Why is User-Generated Content important?

User-generated content is important for a number of reasons but mainly it helps with engagement for your social media, increases conversions to your website and product, and can help build your brand reputation across all platforms.

Builds brand trust

This is one of the most important reasons why a brand and business would want to have UGC. Content that is created by creators, customers, and brand loyalists is more trusted by consumers overall. When someone follows a creator online, they trust that creator and what they say about the brands they buy from. If a creator is recommending a brand or business, their followers will automatically think that’s a good brand or business.

Saves you time on social strategy

This is a great one for social media managers! If you’re short on time and need content, go through your tagged photos and hashtags and see what kind of UGC your brand or business has been tagged in. Reach out to the creators to see if it’s okay to share their photos or embed Instagram posts on your site and you’ve got an entire bank of content you can use in your back pocket.
engagement rate metrics

Higher brand engagement

Another metric to keep track of when you’re on social media and another that is super important to your marketing strategy. Higher brand engagement is more likely to happen when you have UGC. Influencers and content creators can spark conversation in their comments and stories that will generate more engagement on your own pages.

Higher conversion rates

This is your end goal, right? Getting more conversions? Absolutely! Consumers are more likely to complete a purchase after seeing someone they follow and trust recommend a product or service.

More cost-effective than influencer marketing

If your marketing budget is a bit … small, UGC can be a cost-effective way for you to build your marketing strategy and prove to your boss that spending more money in marketing is the way to go.
Start going through your tagged photos and connecting with your audience online to see if you can use their content to post on your own social media. A lot of them will be excited to be featured on your page.

What are some examples of UGC?

There are many different types of user-generated content (UGC) that can be created and shared online. Some common types of UGC include:
  1. Text: This can include written reviews, ratings, comments, and forum posts.
  2. Images: This can include photos, memes, and graphics that have been created by users.
  3. Videos: This can include video reviews, tutorials, and vlogs (video blogs) that have been created by users.
  4. Audio: This can include podcasts, music tracks, and other audio content that has been created by users.
  5. Reviews and ratings: Many businesses allow customers to leave reviews and ratings on their products or services, which can be a valuable source of UGC.
  6. Blog posts: Some users create their own blog posts and share them on their own websites or on platforms like WordPress or Blogger.
  7. Social media posts: Many businesses encourage their customers to share content related to their products or services on social media, which can include text, images, and videos.

Examples of Successful UGC Campaigns

User Generated Content has become a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audience authentically. Here are some notable examples:


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Tisha Campbell (@tishacampbellmartin)

Coca-Cola: Share a Coke

This iconic campaign encouraged consumers to share personalized Coke bottles with friends and family. It sparked a massive wave of UGC on social media, creating a sense of connection and community around the brand.
Live There AIRBNB

Airbnb: Live There

By showcasing user-generated content from hosts and guests, Airbnb highlighted the unique experiences and accommodations available on its platform. This campaign emphasized the authenticity of the platform and inspired potential travelers.


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A post shared by Glossier (@glossier)

Glossier: #GlossierSelfie

Glossier built a loyal following by encouraging customers to share their beauty routines and product results using the hashtag #GlossierSelfie. This created a sense of community and made the brand feel more accessible.

Chipotle: Scarecrow Challenge

Chipotle tapped into the power of user-generated video content by challenging users to create their own versions of a viral ad. This campaign generated massive engagement and increased brand awareness.

How to Measure the Impact of UGC on Your Brand

Measuring the impact of UGC requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Here are some key metrics to consider:

Quantitative Metrics

  • Engagement: Track likes, shares, comments, and saves on UGC posts.
  • Reach: Measure the number of people who see your UGC content.
  • Website traffic: Monitor website visits from social media platforms where UGC is shared.
  • Conversions: Analyze how UGC influences sales and conversions.
  • Brand sentiment: Use sentiment analysis tools to track how people feel about your brand based on UGC.

Qualitative Metrics

  • Brand awareness: Assess how well your brand is recognized and remembered through UGC.
  • Brand reputation: Monitor how UGC impacts your brand’s image and reputation.
  • Customer sentiment: Analyze UGC to understand customer needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • Competitive analysis: Compare your UGC performance to competitors.
By tracking these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your UGC campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

How to Find Content Creators to Collaborate With

Collaborating with content creators can amplify your brand’s reach and authenticity. Here are some strategies to find suitable partners:
  • Identify your target audience: Determine the type of content creators that align with your brand’s values and target audience.
  • Leverage social media: Use platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to discover influencers in your niche.
  • Utilize influencer marketing platforms: These platforms connect brands with relevant creators.
  • Engage with your community: Look for passionate customers who could become brand advocates.
  • Attend industry events: Network with potential collaborators at industry conferences and events.

What to offer content creators in exchange for UGC?

To attract content creators, it’s essential to offer valuable incentives. Here are some options:
  • Product or service compensation: Provide creators with free products or services to experience and share with their audience.
  • Monetary compensation: Offer a fee for creating content, especially for larger campaigns or established influencers.
  • Exposure: Promise to share the creator’s content with your audience, providing them with increased visibility.
  • Exclusive perks: Offer early access to new products, VIP experiences, or exclusive discounts.
  • Affiliate partnerships: Allow creators to earn commissions on sales generated through their content.
By offering a compelling value proposition, you can build strong relationships with content creators and generate high-quality UGC.
Now that you know exactly why UGC is so good for you, it’s time to start doing some outreach to customers, brand loyalists, and content creators to build up your UGC portfolio! Need help creating incredible content overall that will really hit your audience? Click here to read more of our blogs on how to create viral content.
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What is User-Generated Content?

What does a brand get UGC content from?

Why is User-Generated Content important?

What are some examples of UGC?

Examples of Successful UGC Campaigns

How to Measure the Impact of UGC on Your Brand

How to Find Content Creators to Collaborate With

What to offer content creators in exchange for UGC?

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