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How to Get More Views on TikTok

Need help with getting more views on your TikTok videos? We’ve got all the tips for you to increase your views and engagement.

Posted 2 weeks ago
how to get more views on tiktok

Written by

Mackenzie Taylor
Posted 2 weeks ago
Oh, boy. Trying to get the most amount of people to view your TikTok can be tricky. Especially as the number of people who have and make their own TikToks has gone up ā€¦ quite a lot. Everyone and their mom are on TikTok now so how in the world do you get people to see yours? Good question. And one weā€™re going to be answering today. Here are our top tips for getting more views on your TikTok videos.

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  1. What counts as views on TikTok?

What counts as views on TikTok?

Before we get started on telling you how to get more views, letā€™s start with what actually counts as a view on TikTok? According to TikTok, a view counts if someone watches for at least 5 seconds.

How much will TikTok pay you for views?

TikTok has something called a Creator Fund to give the top-tier creators some $$$. At the moment, TikTok pays around 2-4 cents per 1,000 views.

How many views does it take to go viral on TikTok?

There is a large range of what is considered ā€œviralā€ on TikTok. However, a good starting point is 250,000 views is considered mildly viral.
If your video gets one million views, it is medium viral. And anything that hits five million views is considered hugely viral.

How long should my TikTok be?

Based on data from WIRED, the most liked TikTok videos are between 21 to 34 seconds.

How to get views on TikTok

Okay, so how do you actually get views on your TikTok video? There are a few different ways how to get your videos on more peopleā€™s FYP.
tiktok hashtags

Add hashtags #ļøāƒ£

Like Instagram, adding hashtags to your video caption will hugely help you in getting discovered on the app. Especially now that TikTok has increased the number of characters youā€™re allowed to use in captions, you can now start using even more hashtags and keywords in your caption to increase your discoverability and reach on the platform.
Flick tip: Need help finding hashtags? Why not try Flick for FREE for 7 days?

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Find, manage, and analyze hashtags for Instagram.


Keep short šŸ‘‡

Thanks to TikTok, our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter which means keeping your TikTok video short. Videos have a better chance of being watched and shared over and over again when they are between 21 to 34 seconds compared to a minute-long video.
This might be a fairly obvious one but itā€™s one we have to point out: use trending sounds! You can even add sounds to your TikTok video without it even playing just so your video lands on the trending sound page. TikTok started as a dance and music app and now lip-syncing has made the app even more popular so use a sound that you can make work with your content and watch the views come in.

Post at the right time ā°

Again, a fairly obvious one but make sure youā€™re posting at the time when your audience is online! If your main followers arenā€™t online and youā€™re posting, your engagement will likely not be as high which means TikTok wonā€™t be sharing it as much with new followers and your views and likes will be minimal.
Go to your analytics of your TikTok and see which days and times your audience is online so you can be posting during those times.
Click here to find the best time to post on TikTok.

Finding your specific audience šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø

It can be hard to find just the right people for your niche but find them you must! So how do you go about doing that? Take some time to think about who you want your audience to be. What do they look like? What do they like? Are you sharing funny content? Sad content? Opinionated content? Figure out who youā€™re making things for and always keep them top of mind when filming videos.

How-to video šŸŽ„

An effective video that you can make is a how-to or tutorial video. The reason that sewing your own clothes became so #trendy during the pandemic is because of TikTok users sharing their tutorials on how to make a new dress, jacket, bag, and everything in between!
Have something that you can show your followers how to make? Create a video and do a step-by-step (you can even make it a video series!) on how to make something.

Duet and Stitch šŸŖ”

Dueting someoneā€™s song or just adding your own opinion is one of the best ways to increase your views. Dueting splits the screen so you and the personā€™s video youā€™re dueting with are side-by-side so you can add funny commentary, a hot take, or something else in-between.
Response videos do SO well on TikTok. People love to have their opinions heard so stitching a video on TikTok can be a great way for your content to be seen by way more people on the app.
Flickā€™s tip: Need help figuring out ways to stitch TikTok videos? Click here to see our top tips.

Collab with someone šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø

Are you in touch with a TikTok creator or brand that has a following? Reach out and collaborate with them! Being able to be in a video with someone who has a following already will help you get more eyes on your video (plus, the potential to get more followers!).

Buy some ads šŸ’ø

If youā€™ve got the budget, put some money behind one of your TikTok videos. This will help boost your video and put on more feeds of your potential new followers.

Engage with users šŸ—£

The more engagement you have on your video, the more often TikTok will share your video and push it to feeds. How do you get more engagement? By engaging with others! Start commenting on any comments you get. Go to other videos you like and comment. By interacting and engaging, more people will see your profile, click over to your feed, and youā€™ll have the potential to capture them with a follow and a video view.
@jasonritter1980If you combine two flavors, whether I like them individually or not, I WILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT IT TASTES LIKE. Please be responsible when you make new flavors, knowing that there are people like me out there who CANNOT walk by a can like this without being haunted by the mystery for days. How cruel that oneā€™s own childlike wonder can be WEAPONIZED against oneself. Also, pretty good, I liked. I may not sleep tonight, but in three days when this wears off, I will once again sleep peacefully, finally knowing what was previously unknown, that a savory seasoning meant for chips can be mixed with a sweet drink meant for wild and free athletes. I missed you guys. I was tired two minutes ago and now I canā€™t stop writing this caption. Is this a side effect? Still am unsure I taste the Flaminā€™ HotĀ®ļø of it all, but i guess it is a spicy Mountain DewĀ®ļø so that was interesting. Now Iā€™m almost mad at TikTok that captions can be this long. Thereā€™s gotta be a cap somewhere. Does it just cover the whole video??? This is insane. More and more Iā€™m liking this drink though! My initial plan was not to finish it but the little spicy kick at the end of each sip is so subtle that you start to really want another sip just to get that heat back for a second. I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do after the last sip, Iā€™m worried about it now. Itā€™s coming soon, I can feel it. This heat will slowly dissipate and then disappear from my palate forever, and I will only be left with a lingering memory, and, perhaps, these very words. The taste will soon be forgotten, first by me, and eventually too the small but brave few who also shared this experience, wherever you all might be. When we go, the knowledge of what Mountain Dew Flaminā€™ Hot tastes like goes with us. This is ours to savor for the few precious months it exists in the year 2022. We may try to tell our grandchildren, but theyā€™ll never know first hand what it did to us, what it gave to us. And it is a gift, after all. We live in wondrous times, friends. Donā€™t be so arrogant that you think you know better what flavors can or canā€™t be combined. You may surprise yourself. Iā€™m surprised that itā€™s 2:16, Iā€™m almost done, AND my thumbs are trembling as Iā™¬ original sound ā€“ Jason Ritter šŸ¦‹

Use your captionāœļø

TikTok recently increased its captions from 300 characters to 2200 characters and itā€™s time to use those characters wisely. TikTok has now beaten out Google when it comes to searching for things, so using specific keywords in your caption will help with getting views on your video when people search the app. Make sure youā€™re using words that you think people are searching for and use that caption efficiently!
Flickā€™s tip: Need help with writing the perfect caption? Use our 30-day FREE caption template.

background30 Days of Free Captions

Boost your account's engagement


Upload multiple videos a day šŸ“±

One of the things TikTok says you should be doing if you want to get more views is to make multiple videos a day. It recommends you post 1-4 times per day, and even better is if you split your videos into multiple parts so people are more likely to come back or head to your profile for the rest of the parts.

Promote your video on other social media platforms šŸ¤³

If you want more people to view your TikTok videos, you should promote them on your other social media pages! Cross-promoting will get your followers from other channels to come to your TikTok page and see what you have going on over there.

Make a playlist šŸŽ§

One of the newest and best ways to get more views is to create a playlist of your videos. Have multiple videos covering the same type of topic? Organize them into a playlist and tell people they can get even more similar videos by viewing that playlist. Itā€™s a great way to build up SEO on the platform and have great storytelling on your page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I post on TikTok to increase my views?

While TikTok doesnā€™t provide a one-size-fits-all answer, generally, posting 1-4 times per day is a good starting point. However, the optimal frequency can vary depending on several factors:
  • Your niche: Some niches, like news or sports, require more frequent updates to stay relevant. Others, like lifestyle or fashion, might benefit from less frequent but higher-quality posts.
  • Your audience: Analyze your audienceā€™s behavior to determine when they are most active on TikTok. Post during peak times to maximize your reach.
  • Your content creation capabilities: Ensure you can consistently produce high-quality content at the desired frequency. Overextending yourself can lead to burnout and decreased content quality.

Can I increase my TikTok views without spending money on ads?

Absolutely! While ads can be a powerful tool for boosting visibility, there are many effective organic strategies to increase your TikTok views:
  • Create high-quality content: Focus on creating engaging, relevant, and visually appealing content that resonates with your audience.
  • Use relevant hashtags: Research popular hashtags in your niche and use them strategically in your captions.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and duets to build relationships with your followers.
  • Collaborate with other creators: Partnering with other creators can help you reach a wider audience and gain exposure to new followers.
  • Optimize your profile: Ensure your profile is complete, informative, and visually appealing to attract new followers.

How long does it take to see results from implementing these tips?

The time it takes to see results can vary depending on various factors, including the quality of your content, your target audience, and the competition in your niche. Consistency is key, so keep creating and sharing content regularly. While you might see some initial results quickly, it may take several weeks or months to build a substantial following and increase your views significantly.

What types of content perform best on TikTok?

TikTok is a rapidly evolving platform, and content trends can change frequently. However, some types of content consistently perform well:
  • Short-form videos: TikTok is designed for short-form content, so keep your videos concise and engaging.
  • Humorous content: People love to laugh, so videos that are funny or entertaining often perform well.
  • Educational tutorials: How-to videos and tutorials can be valuable to your audience and help you position yourself as an expert in your niche.
  • Trending challenges: Participating in popular challenges can help you reach a wider audience and increase your visibility.
  • Behind-the-scenes content: Give your followers a glimpse into your life or business to build a personal connection.

How can I improve the quality of my TikTok videos?

Here are some tips for creating high-quality TikTok videos:
  • Invest in good equipment: While you donā€™t need professional-grade equipment, having a decent camera and microphone can make a significant difference.
  • Pay attention to lighting: Good lighting can make your videos look more polished and professional.
  • Use engaging visuals: Incorporate eye-catching visuals, graphics, and effects to make your videos more visually appealing.
  • Practice your editing skills: Use editing tools to trim your videos, add music, and create transitions.
  • Stay up-to-date with trends: Keep an eye on TikTok trends and adapt your content accordingly.

What is the best time to post on TikTok to reach my audience?

The optimal posting time can vary depending on your target audience. To determine the best times for you, use TikTokā€™s analytics tools to track your audienceā€™s activity and identify peak times. Additionally, consider your audienceā€™s location and time zone.

How can I optimize my TikTok profile for better discoverability?

Here are some tips for optimizing your TikTok profile:
  • Choose a catchy username: Your username should be easy to remember and relevant to your content.
  • Write a compelling bio: Your bio should clearly communicate who you are, what you do, and what your content is about. Use keywords that your target audience might search for.
  • Use a high-quality profile picture: A professional-looking profile picture can make a positive first impression.
  • Link your other social media accounts: Connect your TikTok account to your other social media platforms to make it easier for people to find you.

What are some effective TikTok hashtags to use?

Research popular hashtags in your niche and use them strategically in your captions. You can also create your own branded hashtags to increase your reach. Here are some tips for using hashtags effectively:
  • Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags: This will help you reach a wider audience while also targeting your specific niche.
  • Be relevant: Only use hashtags that are relevant to your content.
  • Donā€™t overuse hashtags: Too many hashtags can make your captions look spammy.

How can I measure the success of my TikTok content?

TikTok provides analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of your videos. Here are some key metrics to pay attention to:
  • Views: The total number of times your video has been watched.
  • Likes: The number of people who have liked your video.
  • Comments: The number of comments your video has received.
  • Shares: The number of times your video has been shared.
  • Saves: The number of people who have saved your video for later.
By analyzing these metrics, you can identify which types of content perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Now that you know how to get more views on your TikTok video, click here to learn how to get verified on TikTok so you can get even more views on your TikTok videos. Plus, if youā€™re looking for ways to create your TikToks in more effective ways, click here for the tools you need to make your TikToks the best thing ever.

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What counts as views on TikTok?

How much will TikTok pay you for views?

How many views does it take to go viral on TikTok?

How long should my TikTok be?

How to get views on TikTok

Frequently Asked Questions

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