Staircase/Ladder Instagram Hashtag Strategy
The ‘staircase’ method is an effective way to use Instagram hashtags and is the number one Instagram hashtag strategy for both beginners and experts.

Written by
Sam KingImportant terms and principles to know❗️
- The hashtags you use should be relative to the performance of your account. What do we mean by this? If you tend to get a certain amount of likes or engagement when you post content on Instagram, the hashtags you use should match up with your typical performance. For example, if you get around 200 likes per post, it’s unlikely you will perform as well on a hashtag where users are getting 10k likes per post…
- …And this is where Average Likes Comes in. Your ‘Average Likes’ is the average amount of likes you get on a post, which you can compare with the Average Likes that users who rank on a specific hashtag get. By comparing these numbers, you can easily predict which hashtags might work for you, and which might not.
- You can rank on hashtags that are higher-performing or competitive for your account, however, the best way to do this is by ranking on smaller, comparative hashtags first, which help propel your content to wider audiences.
- Other indicators of the level of competition on a hashtag are the DAPC (Daily Average Post Count – the number of times a hashtag is used on average per day) and Media Count (the number of posts overall in a specific hashtag). If there is a high volume of posts in a hashtag, it is likely more competitive and thus harder to rank on.
The ‘Staircase’ Instagram Hashtag Strategy 📶:
- Use 10 hashtags that are 30% below your Average Likes (Set 1)
- Use 10 hashtags that are similar to your Average Likes (Set 2)
- Use 10 hashtags that are 30% and above your Average Likes (Set 3)
How to work out your Average Likes:

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