
What is Link Building?

Link building is an SEO technique that consists of getting links to your website, from other websites, to help increase your search engine ranking. Links that appear on other websites, linking to your website, are called backlinks.

How to start link building?

  1. Create valuable, link-worthy content that other sites and platforms may pull information from or want to share with their customers. Examples of this are educational content, data and trend pieces, or a how-to guide.

  2. Outreach. Contact site editors or media publishers with relevant information related to your product/ service or content. This could be a press release or an article.

  3. Thought leadership. As the founder or employee of a brand, you can create content around industry trends, news pieces, host a podcast or guest blog on a website that will link back to yours.

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Why is link building important?

Getting other websites to link back to your website can help to drive referral traffic and increase your website’s authority and ranking on search engines. Search engines look at the number of high-quality backlinks a web page or site has when they are crawling and the more a website has, the better it will rank, which in turn, will help more users see your website when searching on an engine.

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