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How to Make Your Social Media AI Writing Sound Human

New to AI? We’re giving you all of our tips and tricks on how to make your AI writing sound human in a few simple steps.

Posted last year
How to make AI writing to human

Written by

Mackenzie Taylor
Posted last year
With everyone and their brother hopping on the AI train, social media is starting to sound pretty … robotic. It seems with every scroll on social, the captions feel like AI captions and don’t really have that human-like feel in a lot of the copy. In a world where we’re already so online, having AI write captions that don’t have any personality or realness to it can make us feel more distanced from the people we once used to love following.
But with there being so much to do when working in social media, having an AI tool is so effective and helpful when it comes to time management. But how can you use AI to actually help you and sound like you and your brand? There are a few ways to do that and we’re going to take you through each and every one of them. Here’s how to make your AI copy sound like your brand:

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  1. Why is it important that your social media content sound human?

Why is it important that your social media content sound human?

A lot of people follow a person or a brand online because they not only like their content, but they like how their content SOUNDS. Something that we are always going on and on about here at Flick is brand voice, and having a very clear brand voice will help you build up the following and community that you want online. Being able to be distinct and have a clear message on social media will help you stand out amongst the crowd and this is why it’s important that your social media content sounds like you.

How can you make your AI social media copy sound human?

Don’t use jargon

Is using the term “jargon” me using jargon? I digress. When you’re writing your prompt for the AI tool to give you the perfect caption, avoid using jargon language. Instead, write how you naturally speak online. Be very exact with your question or prompt. Make it easy to understand! This will all help the AI tool to get an idea of what you’re wanting and how you already speak to give you a caption that is closer to what you’re wanting in the end.
If the tool doesn’t give you anything close to what you’re looking for, change up your prompt! Explain what kind of voice you want the AI to write in. Need help with writing prompts? Click here for prompts to get the most out of your caption.
Ex: “You’re a social media manager and want people to buy the new shoes your boutique has recently put on sale for 30% off. Write 3-4 short sentences on why people need to buy these shoes. Write this in a fun tone of voice.”
prompt to make ai sound human

Use past content to train the AI

Did you know that you can use past content you’ve written to help train the AI to write like you? It’s true! It can be a simple copy and paste of the text, or you can even copy the link to the article/post you want the AI to copy.
From there, you can then write out your prompt so the AI knows exactly what you’re wanting from your caption, and will write it in a way that sounds just like you.
💡Flick’s tip: Ask the AI tool to go through your copy and describe what it sounds like. You can then use its description in future prompts.

Add your own personalization

AI is not going to add personal anecdotes into the text it writes, so after it has written up content for you, add your own personal story to it! Humanize the copy. Make it more personal. Being able to show your human side when it comes to AI copy is really important and will help you stand out in the crowded world of AI social media.

Use AI as a tool, not as a replacement

Don’t fully rely on your AI tool to create all the content for you without you going through and editing the work. There’s a reason AI is a tool. It’s to help you. It’s to make you able to spend time on other tasks. But it’s not a replacement for you as a human. Instead of thinking that the AI will completely do all the work for you with no input at all, think of it as a tool that will do the heavy lifting for you. Be sure you finish off the last of the task with your official sign-off.

Use an AI tool that is actually effective

With so many AI tools out there on the market, it’s hard to know exactly which one will be the best for you and your content. Think of the features that you want from the tool. Do you want it to just help you with ideas? To write all the copy for you? To help you with hashtags? Does scheduling out the content matter to you?
Create a list of all the things that are important to you when it comes to your AI tool and start researching. Look through case studies. Read reviews. Go on YouTube and see what people are saying. Start a free trial somewhere. This will help you narrow down the tools (as there are so many!) and help you figure out which will be the best one for you.

Flick’s AI Social Media Marketing Assistant

Flick’s AI Social Media Marketing Assistant is a marketing and social media tool that will help you brainstorm, write, and plan your social media. Trying to come up with social media content for a week or month ahead can be time-consuming, with the AI Assistant you’ll be able to generate original and engaging content ideas based on your topic or keyword in seconds.
craft the perfect caption ai flick
Crafting captions that are on-brand and engaging can be challenging, but the AI Assistant will help you do more in less time—all in your own unique brand voice.
Why should you use Flick’s AI Assistant? Because you’ll get access to:
  • Endless post ideas with a single word or sentence
  • AI-generated images and over 100,000 free stock images
  • Auto-generated hashtags based completely on your caption
  • A repurposing tool that’ll convert long-form content into short bite-sized social media posts
  • Schedule out content from Flick all with a single click
  • Analytics on all of your social media content and to let you know how you’re doing based on your competition
  • Brand info where our AI Assistant will write content based on your audience, voice, language, and more based on your website or Instagram page
  • AI-generated images and our Stock Image Media Library with over 100,000 high-quality and FREE images
  • And so much more
Start a FREE 7-day trial with Flick by clicking here—or try out our AI Caption Generator for FREE always by clicking the banner below!


Why is it important that your social media content sound human?

How can you make your AI social media copy sound human?

Flick’s AI Social Media Marketing Assistant

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